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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

You Say Tomato...I Say Organic Good Luck Globe

Department of Parking and Traffic
Administrative Review
1380 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

To whom it may concern,

On Tuesday, June 21, 2005, at 6:45 am, I was issued a parking ticket on Ashbury Terrace - in the Ashbury Heights neighborhood - for parking in a red zone. It appears I was targeted out of a misunderstanding. You see, I fully espouse the traditions of the Chinese culture and have since my cognitive years. Of course, I can not expect you to know the ways of the driver of an unattended automobile parked, in your eyes, illegally. But I can tell you my story.

It should be noted that in my surrogate culture, red connotes good luck, among other things. Imagine my delight when I found the only parking spot available within a 10 block radius, marked in none other than my favorite color, and that which might bring me good tidings in the days ahead, no less. I leapt at the good fortune and smoothly parked my vehicle in this most fortunate of spots, taking special care to avoid any colorless concrete.

Now, I wouldn’t expect the good folks at the Department of Parking and Traffic to be familiar with my traditions and perceptions of color schemes, nor how they relate to my worldview. Analogously, I would offer that DPT shouldn’t expect me to know that red, in your parlance and understanding, means NO PARKING (as I discovered upon subsequent examination of the informative “Color Curb Program” area of the SFGOV website).

In essence, I ask you to exculpate me of my $50 parking violation, to let it stand as a first warning, if you will. I will gladly pass by the next red-marked parking space, no matter how tempting. Your benevolence and cultural understanding promotes that in others, and karma is very powerful. Thank you in advance for your consideration and teaching me the ways of the Department of Parking and Traffic culture, and America, at large.

Best of Luck,


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